Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Are You Ready For A Week of Hard Labor?

I had so much fun doing Shaun T Week with my customers so I am SUPER excited that Beachbody is at it again! This time we are going to try a week of HARD LABOR with the Beast himself, Sagi Kalev.  Have you ever done Body Beast before?  I did this program when it first came out and I loved it.  I did not BULK up, I toned up and I really leaned out!  It was great for my body!!

What Is A Week Of Hard Labor?

A Week of Hard Labor is going to be just like Shaun T week – starting on September 5th, Sagi will release a new workout on Beachbody on Demand every day for 5 days. He will target a different muscle group each day and work it until it can’t work anymore! During this 5-day program we will work on your chest and back, legs, shoulders and arms, total body, and core.
A Week of Hard Labor is perfect for anyone interested in weight training, people who don’t like heavy cardio, and fans of The Beast!!  Sagi will whip you into shape with 25-45 minute workouts and I will keep you on track with daily motivation, accountability, and support. Plus, I’ll get you set up with a 5-day meal plan designed for optimized performance.

This program is starting right after the long holiday weekend, so it’s being released RIGHT when we need it most! I know Labor Day is the time to end the summer with picnics and cookouts which obviously throws a wrench in our health and fitness plans!! Even the most disciplined and dedicated people can get a little unfocused when there are a ton of temptations in front of you.

What Equipment Do I Need?

So after Labor Day, it will be time to get back on track! You will need dumbbells, resistance bands, and a stability ball to make the most out of this week with The Beast. A Week of Hard Labor is one of Beachboy’s toughest weightlifting workouts, but we are going to conquer this program together! There is always a modifier if you are having difficulty with any of the moves.
I am also going to be kicking things off with an optional 3 Day Refresh if you feel like you really need a cleaning out of your diet.  I know that the summer for me is full if drinks by the pool, vacations and visiting with family and friends.  It has been quite a challenge to stay on track and I’m sure you feel that in some way too.  The 3 day refresh is a simple and very easy way to get back on track, clear out the sugar cravings, and get back to the basics of clean eating.  The 3 day refresh is a plant based cleanse that will not leave you starving, you get to eat real food, and you won’t be on the toilet all day (LOL).  It is simply following the day to day plan that comes with the product to get the results you want.  It can help you with getting rid of bloating, clearing the sugar cravings, helping you shed the first few pounds and laying the foundation for clean eating and a shift in your lifestyle.  Would you like to do this with me?  Check it out here:  3 Day Refresh

How Do I Sign Up?

If you’re interested in learning more or participating in A Week of Hard Labor, fill out the application below!  I will contact you in the next 24 hours with a response on how to get started.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Your Health & Fitness Playbook Support and Accountability Group Starts August 28

For the next 5 weeks, I am going to help you develop your own playbook for life as kids go back to school, the fall season starts, and sports kick off!!

In my Health & Fitness Playbook group I am going to walk you through:

√ Effective Goal Setting for your weight loss/nutrition requests.
√ How to choose the right fitness program/nutrition plan to meet your needs.
√ Match you up with a fitness program to help you get results and shred those lbs.
√Give you the tools to effectively create simple, family friendly meal plans.
√Give you the tools to help you with emotional eating, late night snacking, traveling, and more.
√Plus a whole lot of positive mindset, daily accountability, support and motivation!

My goal is not a CRASH DIET but to truly make this a LIFESTYLE change.

If you are ready to make a change now is the time!

HOW do you get started?

1. Complete the application here: http://vvolkmuth.blogspot.com/2017/08/your-health-fitness-playbook-support.html

(I will contact you within 24 hours with more details)

2. You cannot already be working with another coach.

3. You must be willing to commit to both a Beachbody Fitness Program and Shakeology for the duration of the 5 week group.

4. You must be 100% committed to sticking with the program from beginning to end and trusting that I will not lead you ASTRAY! DEAL√

It's your time to shine! No more hiding behind baggy clothes. Its time to ROCK any outfit you want!


Make sure to fill out the application and lets get this party started!
Space will fill up fast so do not delay!

Tips to Stay on Track this WEEKEND

We all work soo hard all week long to exercise and eat healthy and make good choices and then the
weekend comes!  The wine and beer is flowing, the happy hours are calling and we give in to temptations!  We literally flush all of our hard work down the toilet and then wake up on Monday morning feeling defeated and totally frustrated with our lack of self control!  How many of you have felt this way one time or another?  I know that I used to work so hard Monday through Friday and then I would indulge a little on the weekend.  But, it got to a point that my indulgence on the weekend was affecting my ability to reach that number on the scale or the body that I wanted to see when I looked in the mirror!  I had to ask myself, “Is this glass of wine or piece of cake worth undoing all my hard work?”  I seriously answered NO!  At first I needed that glass of wine for my sanity, but now I don’t need that glass of wine or cake!  Because I actually feel better when I don’t eat it!  I love how I feel when I’m putting whole foods in my body.  I love when I can look at my journal for the week and say that I am proud of my decisions and self control.  This certainly didn’t happen overnight so that is why I’m here today to give you some tips to make it through this weekend!!!  The Key is BABY STEPS!!

1.  Pre-eat:  If you are headed out to a party this weekend or other event and you don’t know if there are going to be any healthy choices available then eat before you go!  Drink your shakeology or have a meal before you arrive.  Then, when you get there make the event a social hour instead of an eating fest.  If you go to the event and you aren’t starving then you are less likely to cave in to temptation.  Then, get busy talking to other people.  Grab a sparkling water and mingle!  Nosh on some fruit and veggies but always mind your portion sizes!
2.  One glass of water to every alcoholic drink:  Drinking alcohol is definitely a social thing that we all love to do on the weekends!  Unfortunately, it is not easy on the waistline!  Alcohol is full of empty calories and sugar.  It will sabotage your weight loss in no time at all!  When you drink you are also more likely to over eat because your guard is down and you're not thinking clearly!  So if you must have a drink then I tell you that you MUST have 1 glass of water for every alcoholic drink!  That way you will at least stay well hydrated!!
3.  Ask for a box:  When you are out to dinner this weekend as soon as your food arrives ask for a box!  Immediately box up half and then enjoy your meal!  Restaurants are famous for super sizing their meals and totally not following the correct portion sizes!  Also, don’t be afraid to speak up!  Ask for your food broiled, baked or grilled.  Make sure you ask for no butter or oil.  Just cooking spray or chicken broth!  
4. Other restaurant tips:  As for your dressings on the side and stay away from creamy dressings!  Double up on your veggies and ask for a bowl of fruit for dessert!
5.  Make a commitment:  Verbally tell your significant other or close friend that you want them to hold you accountable this weekend to your healthy eating!  When you tell someone that you are going to do something it is more likely that you will follow through!  You don’t want to let them down.  RIGHT?
Ok, so as we go into this weekend and we have been working so hard stick to your guns!  Get up and do your workouts, pack your snacks, pre-plan your strategy!  Download a picture of your goal body or motivational quote and put it on your phone so you can be reminded of what you are working for in a moment of weakness!  You can do this!  You are worth it and you deserve to reach that goal!  That cake is not going to make you feel amazing in your bathing suit this summer!  YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!!