Tuesday, March 28, 2017

How Our Food Quality has Changed

What we EAT has changed MORE in the last 50 years, than in the last 10,000. The calories we are eating, as Americans are not only EMPTY, but they are processed, artificial and contain harmful chemicals. It’s no WONDER diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Obesity are more prevalent than EVER. What if we could turn back time, and go back to BASICS. What if we could combine all the best NATURAL whole-food ingredients, vitamins, and holistic medicines from around the WORLD, that have been used for centuries and package them in a way that they MAINTAIN their integrity and are bio-available and can be broken down in our body. What if we had something that already has ALL the nutrients and health benefits our body craves, and was AFFORDABLE and tasted great. Even if you were to JUICE all 70 of these ingredients, think of the TIME and MONEY it would cost you. 
Shakeology is the ONE meal that you CANT AFFORD to dismiss. Completely natural, healthy, back to the basics, easy and affordable. If you “can’t afford” to be healthy, you SURE cannot afford to be SICK. Why NOT try it for a month and SEE how you feel….

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